Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Hope has been doing AMAZING since her stay in the hospital. She is growing, eating really well and sleeping so good. For Christmas she got a bed of her own and she has been really enjoying it. No more sleeping with Mommy and Daddy!!!  She goes to preschool 4 mornings a week and enjoys it.  She is learning her ABC's and numbers as well as cutting, drawing and telling stories (even though she doesnt need any assistance with story telling)!

Monday the preschool had their Christmas Party but it got cut short due to a blizzard that swept through.  We got dumped on!! Lots of snow, drifts etc. Yesterday we got the golf cart out, tied 2 sleds to the back of it and pulled the kids around town. It was soooo much fun!!! The kids did not want to quit.  We were all cold and wet went home and sat by the fire to get warmy.

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