Friday, February 5, 2010

27 months

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Hope loves her pink horse. She puts on her cowgirl hat, skirt and tells him giddyup!

She is doing so well. She is knows her colors, can count to 10 and is learning her letters. Today she was telling me all about doors, countertops, bathtubs and all the different appliances in the house.  She is growing taller and gaining weight. Last week she weighed almost 24lbs.  She loves to go to Sunday school with the big kids and loves to play dressup.  We still have her on the gluten free diet, try to avoid sugar, corn and pastuerized milk products as much as possible but she loves her cheesy eggs, cheesy noodles and cheesy rice.  Yesterday she tried “turkey” aka jerky. She took a couple of bites then said “too spicy”.  Her all time favorite food is Chinese food. She loves her “sausage” as she calls it.  She has her vitamin regime that she hates but makes her feel so much better, she gets adjusted by the chiropractor once a week and still goes for cranial sacrial when we have the chance.

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