Hope gained 3 pounds in 2 months!!!! She weighs 21 lbs and 12 oz.
She has never gained this much in such a short time. She has been eating pretty much non stop all day every day. Some days it is hard for Mommy to keep up. We have her on a parasite cleanse and several different food enzymes to help her digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. I was very skeptical about doing the parasite cleanse fearing it would be non stop poop but it has been just the opposite. Her poop has become nice and thick and some days if it were brown you wouldn’t know she had a short bowel!!! (sorry for the graphic poop talk) Her overall health and mental health has benefited tremendously as well. She is so much happier and carefree. She is still nursing and on the gluten free diet. She is talking up a storm. Today is she describing everything by color. She loves her purple apples (grapes). Everything to her is an apple. She loves grape juice, apple juice and orange juice and drinks about 24 oz of water a day. She eats lots of scrambled eggs and breakfast sausage. She discovered Agave nectar and has to have it on everything.
1 comment:
Praise God!!! We have kept Hope and your family in prayer since we got to know you over lunch at our home! What an absolute miracle and blessing to have Hope here!
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