Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The kids were very excited to go to school today and show off their new green shirts and 4 leaf clover necklaces. The weather has been so beautiful.

Warm and most importantly no wind!

Hope is doing very well she was at 19lbs last week. Her feet have grown and she is wearing 18-24month clothes now. She went from a size 2 shoe to a size 4 in about a month.

I don't post too much about her routine or the things we do to keep her healthy so I am taking a little time to let those who read the blog know. I take her to the chiropractor once a week to keep her little body in line. This keeps her in balance and helps her digestion as well. I take her to the cranial sacrial therapist about every 2 months or so. I wish I could take her once a month but it is expensive. I give her 3 drops of black walnut extract and 3 drops of chloryphyll both are to keep the bad bacteria out of her gut. That is one major problem short gut children have to deal with alot. It causes alot of gas, abdomen distention, lots of watery poo and slowed intestinal mobility. I give her probio eleven probiotics and vita wave which is a mulitivitamin.

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