Saturday, December 6, 2008

Look at me! 13 months

Showing off her 2 bottom teeth!

Hope has been doing well this month. She is outgrowing many of her clothes and is actually wearing 12month clothes now!!!! Last Friday we visited her IMT therapist who had suggested we go on a gluten free diet. I decided to go for it and the last couple of days have noticed a difference. I think next I will have to go dairy free as well but since she eats tons of yogurt I will have to find a suitable replacement. The things I have noticed in the gluten free diet that have changed is her stomach is not as bloated, her morning poo which used to be pretty watery at times has thickened up and the volume of the morning poo has decreased as well. She is crawling very well now and as soon as I can get the video to upload you will be able to see her stand up all by herself. She crawls to the middle of the room and stands up. One of these days she is going to take off running and she won't even realize it!!!! She has her 2 top teeth now and can really get into some chewing and biting.

The others are working on their school and church Christmas programs which should be lots of fun. We are trying to get in the Christmas spirit this year so hopefully the singing will help!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

David has recently gone gluten and casein free...and he LOVES yogurt... :( This is a new recipe I got for a good custard-like substitute:
1 can coconut milk
4 eggs
1/3 cup honey
1/2 tsp vanilla
cinnamon (optional)

blend well. butter a 4 x 6 glass baking pan and pour in mixture. put that pan into a bigger pan filled with water (like a double boiler). bake at 375 for 45 minutes.

I usually let it cool and pre-portion it in small containers and store in the fridge. Sometimes I mix it with fruit. It's a HIT!